Do you want to use Higher Kinded Types (HKT) in Rust? Are you tired of waiting for GAT? Well, this is the place to be.

It’s easiest to understand HKT by analogy. In programming we have many different tiers of abstractions. Starting at the bottom we have terms (aka values) like 0, true, "hello world!". If we want to work with a lot of terms that share a property, we use types. For example, if we want to work with …

  • 32-bit integer, we use i32
  • utf-8 strings, we use &str or String

We generally use snake case to refer to terms generically like x, im_an_integer, and database_connection. We use functions to operate on these generic values.

fn add_one(
    // a generic 32-bit integer
    x: i32
) -> i32 { x + 1 }

Moving up the abstraction tiers, we come to types. For example: String, i32, or bool. If we want to work with a lot of types that share a property, we use traits and generics. For example, if we want to work with …

  • types that can be debug printed, we use std::fmt::Debug
  • types that can be iterated, we use Iterator

We generally use pascal case to refer to typess generically like T, Self, and This. We use generic functions to work with these generic types.

fn print<T: Debug>(x: T) {
    println!("{:?}", x);

Moving up the abstraction tiers again, we come to kinds. For example: Option, Result, or Vec. Wait what. Let’s take a step back. Before I mentioned that String, i32, and bool are types. We also have more types that we can use, generic types like Option<i32> or Result<String, String>. What if you want to generalize over these types? Something of the form T<U>. That’s where we get to kinds. For example:

  • i32 has the kind Type
  • Option<i32> has the kind Type
  • 'a has the kind Lifetime
  • Option has the kind Type -> Type
    • W H A T, let’s stop and explain what’s going on here

Generic types can be represented as a function from kinds to kinds. For example, Option is a function that takes a Type and produces a Type (hence Type -> Type). Let’s see some more examples:

  • Result has the kind Type -> Type -> Type
    • I’ll use this notation because that’s how it’s done in the literature
    • Note: this is equivalent to (Type, Type) -> Type (you can always transform a function that take a tuple of arguments into one that takes multiple arguments, and vice versa)
  • references have a kind Lifetime -> Type -> Type
    • &'a T, one lifetime and one type parameter :)
  • arrays have the kind Type -> usize -> Type
    • [T; len], one type and one usize term (getting close to dependent types, something we won’t touch in this post)

With this notion of kinds we are now well equipped to generalize over generics. Just one cinch, Rust doesn’t know about kinds! So how do we generalize over generics if we can’t even express the fundamental building blocks.

Type Families

The key insight is that we can represent kinds as a system of types and traits. For example, here’s how to handle Type -> Type kinds.

Note: I’ll show how Option fits in, and introduce Result<_, E>, but I’ll leave the implementation of Vec to you. It’s an interesting puzzle if you are inclined

// `Option` has the kind `Type -> Type`,
// we'll represent it with `OptionFamily`
struct OptionFamily;
// `Result` has the kind `Type -> Type -> Type`,
// so we fill in one of the types with a concrete one
struct ResultFamily<E>(PhantomData<E>);

// I'll leave the implementation of `VecFamily` to you

// This trait represents the `kind` `Type -> Type`
pub trait OneTypeParam<A> {
    // This represents the output of the function `Type -> Type`
    // for a specific argument `A`.
    type This;

impl<A> OneTypeParam<A> for OptionFamily {
    // `OptionFamily` represents `Type -> Type`,
    // so filling in the first argument means
    // `Option<A>`
    type This = Option<A>;

impl<A, E> OneTypeParam<A> for ResultFamily<E> {
    // note how all results in this family have `E` as the error type
    // This is similar to how currying works in functional languages
    type This = Result<A, E>;

Note how a trait can act as a function over types, so you can encode the idea Type -> Type using a trait!

Let’s also introduce a type alias for ease of use.

// Option<A> == This<OptionFamily, A>
pub type This<T, A> = <T as OneTypeParam<A>>::This;

Now we can replace all usage of Option, Result<_, E> with OptionFamily or ResultFamily<E>! From this we can build up abstractions that “require” HKT. Let’s start with the simplest abstraction Functor. This is just any Type -> Type that has a notion of mapping a value. Generally Functor represents a collection, but it can do much more than that (But I won’t dive into Functor in particular in this post).

trait Functor<A, B>: OneTypeParam<A> + OneTypeParam<B> {
    fn map<F>(self, this: This<Self, A>, f: F) -> This<Self, B>
        F: Fn(A) -> B + Copy;

This is quite a lot, so let’s soak it in.

OneTypeParam<A> + OneTypeParam<B>

First, we require that our families can be used with either type. This allows you to restrict the families in some ways, for example for HashSet, only allow T: Hash + Eq. A will be the input type, and B will be the output type.

fn map<F>(self, this: This<Self, A>, f: F) -> This<Self, B>
    F: Fn(A) -> B + Copy;

Next we have this monstrous function! This will be easier to explain if we have a concrete family.

/// for `OptionFamily`
fn map<F>(self, this: Option<A>, f: F) -> Option<B>
    F: Fn(A) -> B + Copy;

So this is just the same as the ordinary map in Option, except it requires Fn, instead of FnOnce. We could generalize over Fn and FnOnce if Rust had associated traits, but alas we don’t, so we’ll have to make do with Fn (I’ll leave it to you to figure out a nice way to abstract over Fn, FnMut and FnOnce). All we’ve done is generalize it to any family, not just Option.

The Copy bound is nice for things like Vec where you need to apply the function multiple times. You can convert any Fn to a Fn + Copy because &_ implement Fn and are Copy.

So all together again:

trait Functor<A, B>: OneTypeParam<A> + OneTypeParam<B> {
    fn map<F>(self, this: This<Self, A>, f: F) -> This<Self, B>
        F: Fn(A) -> B + Copy;

Functor just specifies a mapping operation. We can implement this rather easily.

impl<A, B> Functor<A, B> for OptionFamily {
    fn map<F>(self, this: This<Self, A>, f: F) -> This<Self, B>
        F: Fn(A) -> B + Copy {
        // I'm not cheating!

// try out `VecFamily`, it doesn't need to be optimal, it just needs to work!

Ok, but that’s boring, I hear you say. What about Monad? Typically it’s defined by it’s bind operation (We’ll skip Applicative here, try it out yourself!). I’m not going to explain how Monad works, or why you would want it, just how to implement it.

trait Monad<A, B>: Functor<A, B> {
    fn bind<F>(self, a: This<Self, A>, f: F) -> This<Self, B>
        F: Fn(A) -> This<Self, B> + Copy;

Looks the same as Functor to me! … Wait, the bound on F looks funky. Let’s dig in to the OptionFamily implementation again, maybe that will clear things up.

/// for `OptionFamily`
fn bind<F>(self, a: Option<A>, f: F) -> Option<B>
    F: Fn(A) -> Option<B> + Copy;

This looks very familiar, … where have I seen this before? Option::and_then is that you?

impl<A, B> Monad<A, B> for OptionFamily {
    fn bind<F>(self, this: This<Self, A>, f: F) -> This<Self, B>
        F: Fn(A) -> This<Self, B> + Copy {
        // It fits 😉

// try out `VecFamily`, it doesn't need to be optimal, it just needs to work!

In this way you can implement most, if not all HKT abstractions in stable Rust. However the ergonomics of these abstractions are downright abysmal. Bounds, bounds, bounds everywhere. We saw this a little in Functor<A, B>, we needed OneTypeParam<A> + OneTypeParam<B> (why does family need to be repeated!). Hopefully we can solve this on nightly, find out in Part 2! Before we get there though, I need to explain why this transformation works in more detail, which will be the subject of Part 1.5

If you can’t wait and must know more, check out type-families, an experimental crate that implements the ideas outlined in this blog post.

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Thanks /u/CalligrapherMinute77 for requesting this post Thanks /u/IshKebab for helping me reword the introduction to make things more clear