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Closures seem like magical functions. They can do magic like capture their environment, which normal functions can’t do.

let hello_world = "Hello World!".to_string();

let closure = || println!("{}", hello_world);

// error[E0434]: can't capture dynamic environment in a fn item
// fn normal_function() {
//     println!("{}", hello_world)
// }

How does this work?

The first thing to understand about closures is that they are pure sugar, and three traits working in concert.

Fn* Traits

The three traits are

trait FnOnce<Args> { type Output; fn call_once(self, args: Args) -> Self::Output; }
trait FnMut<Args> : FnOnce<Args> { fn call_mut(&mut self, args: Args) -> Self::Output; }
trait Fn<Args> : FnMut<Args> { fn call(&self, args: Args) -> Self::Output; }

note I have removed some unnecessary details, like function calling convention to simplify. You can see the docs for more info about each one here: FnOnce, FnMut, Fn.

These traits are critical to how closures work, so let’s delve into how they work.


First the type parameter: Args

Args must always be a tuple representing the arguments of the closure. for example

|| "hi";               // this has Args = ()
|a: u32| ();           // this has Args = (u32,)
|a: f32, q: String| a; // this has Args = (f32, String)

This is to get around needing variadic generics to handle every possible list of arguments. This representation is unstable, and may change in the future. So instead of using the Fn* traits directly, you can use them like so

Fn() -> u32
FnMut(u32, u32)
FnOnce(String) -> Vec<u8>


Next is type associated type Output.

This is quite simple, it just represents the output type of the closure.

|| "hi";               // this has Output = &'static str
|a: u32| ();           // this has Output = ()
|a: f32, q: String| a; // this has Output = f32


Finally is the functions

fn call*(self, args: Args) -> Self::Output;

These functions do the leg work of executing the closure. There are a few notable differences between each one.

  • In FnOnce we have call_once, which takes a self receiver. This is how it enforces that it is only called once. After self is moved into this function call, it can’t be used again.
  • In FnMut we have call_mut, which takes a &mut self receiver. This allows changes to the environment in closures.
  • In Fn we have call, which takes a &self receiver. This doesn’t allow changes to the environment (ignoring shared mutability), but it does make it the most flexible type of closure. It can be called as many times as you want, and it can be thread-safe if Send and Sync are also implemented for the closure.


I believe that working by example is the best way to explain something.

I will show the desugaring of a few closures, and explain why they are that way, and some benefits and costs to each closure.

Note: I will not show how Send and Sync are impled, as that is out of scope. After the first desugaring, I will not show the impls for all three Fn* traits, only the most specific one. So if you see Fn, then assume FnMut and FnOnce are impled with the same function body. If you see FnMut, then assume that FnOnce is impled with the same function body, but Fn is not impled. If you see FnOnce, then assume that Fn and FnMut are not impled. I will also put type Output in a comment to show what it would be if I only impl Fn or FnMut.

First, the simplest closure, one that doesn’t capture anything, and only returns a unit.

let x = || ();
let y = x();

gets desugared to

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct __closure_0__ {}

impl FnOnce<()> for __closure_0__ {
    type Output = ();
    fn call_once(self, args: ()) -> () {

impl FnMut<()> for __closure_0__ {
    fn call_mut(&mut self, args: ()) -> () {

impl Fn<()> for __closure_0__ {
    fn call(&self, (): ()) -> () {

let x = __closure_0__ {};
let y = Fn::call(&x, ());

Playground Link closure_0

You can use these playground links to test out the desugared code!

Now, there is quite a bit to unpack here. First we get this new type __closure_0__. We can also see that Clone and Copy are derived for __closure_0__. This is because it is an empty type so it is trivial to Clone and Copy an empty struct. This allows for more flexibility when using the closure.

Rust will pick the most specific Fn* trait to use whenever you call a function, in this order: Fn, FnMut, FnOnce. So in this case, because we can implement Fn, we implement that and all pre-requisites (FnMut and FnOnce). The function body from the closure is copied over to the function body of each of call* functions.

Then create the closure by creating this new struct. We call the closure by calling the most specific call* function, which in this case is call.

Note: the names I give, __closure_0__ are arbitrary and the names that are actually used are random. This makes closures unnameable.

Note: How Rust knows which Fn* trait to derive for the closure is up to analysis of what it captures and how it is used (seen later).

Now one step up, lets capture a variable.

let message = "Hello World!".to_string();
let print_me = || println!("{}", message);


desugars to

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct __closure_1__<'a> { // note: lifetime parameter
    message: &'a String, // note: &String, not String

impl<'a> Fn<()> for __closure_1__<'a> {
    // type Output = ();
    fn call(&self, (): ()) -> () {
        println!("{}", *self.message)

let message = "Hello World!".to_string();
let print_me = __closure_1__ { message: &message };

Fn::call(&print_me, ());

Playground Link closure_1

We now have a field on __closure_1__, this represents the environment that is being used. So when we go to implement the Fn* traits, we use these fields to get access to the environment. Whenever Rust accesses one of these fields, it first dereferences them, the reason why will become evident when we get to mutating closures.

Notice the lifetime parameter on __closure_1__, because it is borrowing from the stack frame with &message, print_me has a non-'static lifetime. One downside to this is that it can’t be sent across threads! Threads require a 'static lifetime so that things don’t deallocate while they run.

We still maintain Clone and Copy because shared references are Copy.

Now, what about if I have a closure with arguments? What about move closures?

let header = "PrintMe: ".to_string();
let print_me = move |message| println!("{}{}", header, message);

print_me("Hello World!");

desugars to

struct __closure_2__ { // note: no lifetime parameter
    header: String     // note: String, not &String

impl<'a> Fn<(&'a str,)> for __closure_2__ {
    // type Output = ();
    fn call(&self, (message,): (&'a str,)) -> () {
        println!("{}{}", self.header, message);

let header = "PrintMe: ".to_string();
let print_me = __closure_2__ {
     header: header // note: no &

Fn::call(&print_me, ("Hello World!",));

Playground Link closure_2

First, the types of the closure arguments are resolved via type inference.

Next, how are arguments handled? As we saw earlier in the Fn* Traits section, arguments are really just a single tuple containing all of the arguments. This tuple is automatically created whenever we call a closure and destructured inside the call* function.

Finally, what did move do? Simply, instead of borrowing from the environment, we are going to move everything from the environment into this new anonymous struct (__closure_2__). Now because __closure_2__ doesn’t contain any lifetimes, it has a 'static lifetime, which is necessary for it to be sent across threads! But in doing so, we also lost Copy, now our closure in only Clone. :(

This is why when you do anything with threads, you need to use move closures. They eliminate many of the references that would otherwise be created.

More on move

let a = "Hello World".to_string();
let a_ref = &a;

let print_me = move || println!("{}", a_ref);


desugars to

// lifetimes are back, even though this is a `move` closure
// because this closure captures a reference
// note: a new lifetime parameter will be created for
// user-defined structs that also have lifetime parameters.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct __closure_3__<'a> {
    a_ref: &'a String

impl<'a> Fn<()> for __closure_3__<'a> {
    // type Output = ();

    fn call(&self, (): ()) {
        println!("{}", self.a_ref)

let a = "Hello World".to_string();
let a_ref = &a;

// because this is a move closure, there are no new references here
let print_me = __closure_3__ { a_ref: a_ref };

Fn::call(&print_me, ());

Playground Link closure_3

Notice that even though we have a move closure, we still get lifetimes. This is because we have a reference from the environment. This means that unless that reference resolves to be 'static, you cannot send it across threads. In this case the reference is definitely a shorter lifetime than 'static

What about returning things from closures, and mutating the environment inside a closure.

let mut counter: u32 = 0;
let delta: u32 = 2;

let mut next = || {
    counter += delta;

assert_eq!(next(), 2);
assert_eq!(next(), 4);
assert_eq!(next(), 6);

desugars to

struct __closure_4__<'a, 'b> {
    counter: &'a mut u32,
    delta: &'b u32

impl<'a, 'b> FnMut<()> for __closure_4__<'a, 'b> {
    // type Output = u32;

    fn call_mut(&mut self, (): ()) -> u32 {
        *self.counter += *self.delta;

let mut counter: u32 = 0;
let delta: u32 = 2;

let mut next = __closure_4__ {
    counter: &mut counter,
    delta: &delta

assert_eq!(FnMut::call_mut(&mut next, ()), 2);
assert_eq!(FnMut::call_mut(&mut next, ()), 4);
assert_eq!(FnMut::call_mut(&mut next, ()), 6);

Playground Link closure_4

Because we are changing counter inside of the closure, we can implement at most FnMut. This is because we don’t have write access inside of Fn.

We take a &mut to counter so that we can change it, and a & to delta to read from it. Each reference gets a fresh lifetime parameter.

We can now see why we need to dereference the references inside of call*. This is because we need the correct types for things to work out. For example, there is no impl of AddAssign for &mut u32, but there is one for u32. So we need to dereference self.counter so that Rust can resolve AddAssign correctly. There is nothing special about AddAssign, the type checker requires that these types are dereferenced in order to work correctly.

What about consuming things in a closure

let a = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100];

// notice, no `move`
let transform = || {
    let a = a.into_iter().map(|x| x * 3 + 1);

println!("{}", transform());
// println!("{}", transform()); // error[E0382]: use of moved value: `transform`

desugars to

struct __closure_5__ {
    a: Vec<u32> 

impl FnOnce<()> for __closure_5__ {
    type Output = u32;
    fn call_once(self, (): ()) -> u32 {
        let a = self.a.into_iter().map(|x| x * 3 + 1);

let a = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100];

let transform = __closure_5__ { a: a };

println!("{}", FnOnce::call_once(transform, ()));
// println!("{}", transform.call_once(())); // error[E0382]: use of moved value: `transform`

Playground Link closure_5

Even though we didn’t add the move qualifier to the closure we see that a was moved into the closure. This is because Vec::into_iter takes self be value, which means self will be moved into the function. Because of this, the Rust moves a into __closure_5__. This means that a must be consumed during the function call, only FnOnce can be implemented.